defines the word "adventure" for you, friends? Perhaps it's taking the
back roads or pushing yourself to take the Bixby Canyon Bridge on your
way to Big Sur. Maybe, it's circling the Black Sea in 16 days, from
Berlin to Istanbul to Tiflis to Odessa. All of this in a car that must
be at least 20 years old, like for example this S123. Sounds exciting?
Oh, it is! Take a look at these photos or read the whole article on the Daimler blog.
Dear Readers,

you know, National and Federal holidays are often remembered because
most of us are lucky enough to have these days off. However, many of us
do not take the time to learn more about why these days are recognized
and even fewer people know what is celebrated for the month as a whole.
we're switching gears from our regular Mercedes-Benz-filled content. We now
raise our glasses to one of the most important things to remember about
this month: NO SHAVE NOVEMBER.
For those of you who are
annual participants, we applaud you. Few are the folk that can resist
the temptation to shave and for your extra inches of facial hair, we
thank you. For those of you unfamiliar with No Shave November, allow us
to clarify a few things about this wondrous season.
Participants are not allowed to:
A) Shave their facial hair
B) Touch their razors or trimmers
C) Think about shaving their facial hair with their razors or trimmers
D) Do anything whatsoever to their beards or mustaches until December 1st.
you've committed yourself to the cause, your face has 30 days to take
the reigns. If you're one of the devoted few, feel free to snap a few
selfies of yourself behind the wheel as your beard and mustaches grow!
We hear that MB drivers love supporting the cause.
Talk soon,
The Leith Inc. Team
Dear Readers,
One of the world's mightiest four-cylinder
engines, a newly designed AMG 4MATIC all-wheel drive system and a
racing-derived Dual Clutch transmission make for a ferocious
introduction to the AMG family.
What does your dream dynamic duo look like under the hood of your Mercedes-Benz?